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P&H Shovel Kill Zone Lighting

Updated: Sep 5, 2018

Vision X Kill Zone Lighting is designed specifically for P&H 2800, 4100 and 4800 rope shovels. With 15 red LED elliptical lights staged around the shovels counter weight, staging haul trucks can use the red illuminated ground to line up is a safe position to the shovels counter weight and prepare for perfect positioning to be loaded. Also support equipment like rubber tire dozers know "If you are in the red you're dead". A very real "RED" visual of a critical danger zone in the shovels swing path.

The P&H brand history began on December 1, 1884 when Alonzo Pawling and Henry Harnischfeger launched their partnership with a contract and a handshake and got to work making industrial castings and machinery components. Several years later, the company began making overhead cranes, followed by their first “digging machines” in 1914.

In 1920, the company developed the Model 206 – a crawler-propelled power shovel equipped with a ¼ cubic yard dipper – the first highly successful P&H earthmoving platform, propelling the company into the construction and mining industries. During World War II, the company focused on making shovels for iron ore, copper, bauxite, coal and other mining applications that supported the war effort, cementing P&H’s place in the mining industry.

In 1954, the company rolled out the Model 1800 electric mining shovel, equipped with electronic control, centralized AC motor drive, and nominal eight cubic yard dipper capacity. This model became so popular in the mining industry that the shovel became known as the “Pride of the Pit.”

Killzone Shovel night lighting

Killzone shovel lighting

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